Even the best online advertising campaign will have some leads fall through the cracks. How you approach winning them over can be the difference between losing potential prospects or winning them over with a long-term campaign.

Remarketing is the practice of building a relationship with a prospective buyer that failed to convert previously and fostering that relationship through different channels. Many marketers think of it as “Retargeting”, but in reality retargeting is a subset of remarketing focusing specifically on the advertising aspect of it. Remarketing covers a number of different ways you can communicate with a buyer in the long-term to convert them into a paying customer even after they have failed to convert from your digital marketing strategies.

Remarketing covers channels including:

  • Physical Mail: Sending letters and other materials in the mail to remind them about your offerings or offer one-time savings.
  • Phone Calls: Calling to follow-up on an opportunity or to get feedback from the prospective buyer.
  • Email Marketing: Sending regular or recurring emails to prospective buyers with new information or offers.
  • Social Media: Encouraging buyers to follow your brand and targeting past interactions for follow-up.
  • Retargeting: Advertising to an audience that you have established through your advertising.

How We Do It

Our approach to remarketing is holistic. We look at all pieces of the puzzle to devise the right strategy, leading to increased conversions from a constantly growing audience. Our process is designed to help brands get the most out of their marketing by creating an audience from it and creating conversion strategies to bring in new sales.

Our process for developing a remarketing campaign involves:

  1. Identifying all of the advertising and marketing campaigns in progress.
  2. Identifying opportunities that are not being logged or targeted.
  3. Patching holes in the conversion process.
  4. Building a retargeting process to build an audience.
  5. Creating automated and non-automated marketing messages across phone, email, social media, and through physical mail.

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