With over 300 million active users each month Twitter is one of the most active and engaging social media platforms on the Internet. Realizing the value of such an active user base, Twitter has launched advertising tools to help brands connect with targeted audiences.

Why Advertise on Twitter?

Twitter has become the de facto standard for sending out updates, getting up-to-date information about ongoing events, and sharing thoughts on popular topics. With over 300 million active users each month, it is one of the most active and engaging social platforms. Realizing the value of such an active user base, Twitter has launched advertising tools to help brands connect with targeted audiences.

Twitter offers the following advertising formats:

  • Summary Card: Appears on a timeline with an image, a message, and a link.
  • Website Card: Short form ad designed to drive users to an off-site URL.
  • App Card: Short form ad including an option for the user to install an app.
  • Video App Card: A video displaying an app which will display on the user’s timeline. Offer them an option to install the app.
  • Player Card: A video ad that promotes a product or service.
  • Conversational Ad Card: An interactive ad format that allows users to respond or otherwise engage with the brand being advertised.
  • Direct Message Card: An ad that gives the user the option to direct message the account being advertised.

How We Generate Leads on Twitter

Twitter offers a few advertising opportunities for brands to use. They also offer tools for targeting users based on their demographic, their interests, and even target those following specific accounts. With a lot of options to choose from, it is important to have the right process in place. Our process includes the following phases:

  1. Discovery: During this phase our Twitter experts identify the client’s objectives, their target audiences, and competitors in their space. A back and forth conversation is used to ensure our team completely understand’s the client’s branding requirements and brand message.
  2. Strategy Development: A strategy is developed to determine the different types of messages, media, and cards to be used to communicate with relevant audiences. We offer the client the opportunity to provide specific feedback on the campaign to ensure that it meets their expectations and their brand message.
  3. Creative Development: Our creative team drafts different messages for each of the ads in the campaign alongside the media to be presented with it. This includes images, infographics, and videos to be used in the ad cards.
  4. Implementation: Using social media management tools our team begins to construct and schedule the campaign. Each card is given clear targeting and the message is implemented with the right tracking.
  5. Optimisation: Ongoing monitoring of the campaign ensures that our Twitter experts can adjust the campaign based on ongoing developments, active trends, and to modify underperforming cards to improve performance.

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